長年に亘り日本をはじめ世界中の俳優への演技指導に貢献し2021年12月に惜しまれて他界されたロン・バラス氏とともにステラ・アドラーの指導を直接受け、著書「ACTING WITH Adler」の出版もされている。ヴィラノバ大学名誉演劇教授のジョアンナ・ロッテさんの来日を記念して、この度一日限りのトークセッションをアクターズクリニック代々木スタジオにて開催させていただく運びとなりました。
梶原涼晴 アクターズクリニック/ステラ・アドラー・ジャパン代表
【会場】アクターズクリニック代々木スタジオ(東京都渋谷区代々木1-31-15 さくらビル地下1階)
Special event in Japan for Joanna Rotte, the evangelist who carries on Stella Adler’s legacy
Q&A talk session “ACTING WITH Adler”
Joanna Rotte, Professor Emerita of Theatre at Villanova University, received direct instruction from Stella Adler in 1970s together with Ron Burrus, who had contributed to the teaching of acting to actors in Japan and around the world for many years (passed away in December 2021), and also published the book “ACTING WITH Adler”.
To commemorate the visit to Japan of Joanna, we will be holding a one-day talk session at ACTORS CLINIC Yoyogi Studio.
In this day and age, when none of us can hear Stella Adler’s voice directly for ourselves, this is such a rare opportunity to experience Stella’s DNA first-hand, and I hope you will join us.
Ryosei Kajiwara, ACTORS CLINIC / Stella Adler Japan CEO
【Date & Time】November 18th Monday, 2024, 2pm to 4pm
【Place】ACTORS CLINIC Yoyogi Studio (Sakura Building B1F, 1-31-15 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
【Participation fee】8,000 yen (including tax)
【Inquiry / Subscription】actorsclinic.tokyo@gmail.com
【Capacity / Application deadline】We are expecting around 20 participants. Please note that applications will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.
〒151-0053 渋谷区代々木1-31-15 さくらビルB1
合同会社ドリームシーズ アクターズクリニック
TEL: 03-6383-4770 / FAX: 03-6383-4773
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